

A single premium immediate annuity that offers multiple payment options and choice of payment frequency:

  • Can provide you an income option you can't outlive
  • Offers cost of living adjustments
  • If you have certain health conditions, you can receive larger payouts without increasing your premium

For a free consultation about annuities, find an agent.

Who needs this?

Ultra-Income may be right for you if you are:

At retirement

  • Currently utilizing income from your retirement investments
  • Need to replace income from your regular paycheck
  • Require funding for your current living expenses

Nearing retirement

  • Want to fund an early retirement
  • Require a supplement income

Payment Options

  • Life Annuity – Periodic benefit payments are guaranteed for as long as the annuitant lives. Payments cease at death.
  • Life Annuity w/Period Certain* – Periodic benefit payments are guaranteed for the number of periods chosen. If the annuitant lives longer, payments continue until his/her death.
  • Period Certain w/o Life* – Periodic benefit payments are guaranteed for the number of periods chosen. If the annuitant dies before the end of that period, payments continue to the beneficiary as scheduled.
  • Joint & Survivor Life** – Periodic benefit payments are guaranteed for as long as either of the annuitants lives.
  • Joint & Survivor Life w/Period Certain** – Periodic benefit payments are guaranteed for the number of periods chosen. If either annuitant lives longer, payments continue until his/her death.
  • Installment Refund – Periodic benefit payments are guaranteed until the sum of the benefit payments equal the single premium. If the annuitant lives longer, payments continue until his/her death.

* Period certain is extremely flexible (to the day)
** The owner may choose the death benefit percentage for joint and survivor options
