Compare the Roth 401(k) to a Traditional 401(k)

Your retirement income can vary widely depending on what type of account holds your savings and what assumptions you make about return and tax rates during the accumulation and withdrawal periods. Use this calculator to help compare employee contributions to the new after-tax Roth 401(k) and the current tax-deductible 401(k).

Savings and Assumptions
Current age
Age when income should start
Number of years to receive income
Before tax return on savings: (% - accumulation phase) help
Before tax return on savings: (% - distribution phase) help
Income tax bracket: (% - accumulation phase) help
Income tax bracket: (% - distribution phase) help
Your annual contribution
Taxation of contribution options: Option 1:
Traditional 401(k) deductible account fully funded, contributions to Roth 401(k) non-deductible account are reduced
Option 2:
Full contribution made to Roth 401(k) non-deductible account, Traditional 401(k) account given a 'side-account' to reflect tax savings